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Looking For A Small Companion Dog? Check Out A Coton De Tulear

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If you live alone, having a companion dog can provide you with someone to come home to, talk to, exercise with, and give you unconditional love. However, living alone often means your living space is not big enough for the large dogs that most consider good for protection. Don’t be fooled into thinking you need something big and ferocious—small dogs can be just as protective, and they are also able to sit in your lap.…

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Is That Lump On Your Dog Cancer? Three Reasons Not To Worry—Too Much

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Perhaps you’re brushing your pup or scratching his or her belly. You suddenly discover a small bump on your dog’s skin that you’ve never noticed before. Your heart does a little flip flop, and your mind races ahead to the image of your vet sadly pronouncing the verdict: cancer. Finding a growth on your furry friend is certainly a scary experience. But the good news is, in most cases, a growth or lump is benign.…

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Three Ways To Make Your Home A Healthier Environment For Your Cat

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Your cat spends his entire life in your home so, if your home is not a healthy environment, your cat will be at a higher risk of developing health problems. By making these changes, you can make your home a healthier environment for your cat. Switch to pet-friendly cleaning products. A lot of conventional cleaning products contain chemicals that cause health problems for cats. They may irritate their skin and respiratory system or cause digestive upset when eaten.…

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Honor Your Recently Deceased Dog's Life With A Unique Memorial Service

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If your dog recently passed away from old age, you and your family can honor them and celebrate their life with a unique memorial service by adding the following ideas to the plans that you make. Gather In Your Backyard To Share Thoughts Arrange a group of chairs in your backyard, near the spot in your yard that will be used as a final resting spot, to discuss the passing of your pet and your favorite times that were spent with them.…

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Did Your Dog Run Away Or Are They Just Hiding?

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When you can’t find your dog, it’s easy to get scared and assume the worst. The instinct is to believe that they ran away from home, but there’s a chance they may just be hiding somewhere in your home. Before you lose track of your dog again, it’s important to know when your dog might hide and where it might go when it does. Are You Sure They Ran Away And Aren’t Just Hiding?…

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3 Common Dog Skin Issues

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If you find that your dog is licking or scratching certain areas of his or her skin on a consistent basis, he or she may have a skin issue. Many times, these skin issues are the same exact problems that can befall a human, while other times, they are issues that are exclusive to dogs. Read on and discover just a few common dog skin issues and whether or not they should constitute a trip to the veterinarian’s office.…

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Three Food Types You Shouldn't Feed Your Cat

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Are you on the verge of saying yes to sharing your living space and life with a feline friend? Naturally, you’ll want to keep the furry bundle of joy happy and healthy, and that starts with avoiding bad nutrition. Following are three food types that should be avoided because they can cause health problems in cats.  Fish-Based Food  You probably already know that most cats go wild for the taste of fish.…

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A Packing List For Your First Horse Show

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Preparation is key when you’re getting ready to enter your first horse show. That is why it’s important to make a list of the items you will need for the show and then pack them up the night before.  Your Horse’s Hooves If your mount happens to pick up a stone while in the practice arena, it could enter your event limping due to the pain. Make sure to pack a hoof pick, like Pick Brush, to clean your horse’s hooves out before you enter the show ring.…

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Three Things Gerbil Owners Need To Know About Nasal Dermatitis

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Nasal dermatitis, also called sore nose or facial eczema, is a serious condition that may affect your pet gerbil. Here are three things gerbil owners need to know about nasal dermatitis. What are the signs of nasal dermatitis? If your gerbil develops nasal dermatitis, you’ll see hairless lesions on their snout. These lesions are red, swollen and crusted, and if not treated, they can become ulcerated. The lesions can also spread from the nasal area to the lips or the front paws.…

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Kitten 101: How To Avoid Stress During Trips To The Veterinarian For Cat Vaccinations

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If you’ve recently welcomed a kitten into your family, there are a few important things to consider regarding your new family member’s health. It’s important for felines to get vaccinations. However, trips to the veterinarian’s office for cat vaccinations can cause your feline companion to be stressed. Since most veterinarians prefer that you take felines to their offices in a pet carrier, this presents a problem when cats associate pet carriers and car rides with the veterinarian’s office where they get poked and prodded.…

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